Saturday 25 June 2011

I gotta do some creative writing for English but I'm not creative and I don't like words so this is gonna suck. I wrote like a page of stupidness and now I don't know what to write apart from LOL THEY DIED. I just wanna eat some noodles. Oh yeah and I have to do a paper round for a friend for two weeks while he's gone on holiday and it's more complicated than it looks 'cause you have to fill in all these ugly forms and stuff and it's just like no. I want some helium filled balloons so I can fly faaaaaaaar away because I don't like being here and having to be nice to stupid people. I over use the word stupid. And my dad ate the last of the soup. This sucks fish penis.

Friday 24 June 2011

So, uhm, hi. I apparently have a blog now. I feel the need to greet it in some way, or mark it with my urine, but that would be unacceptable, never mind pretty much impossible. The whole concept of this blog confuses me anyways. My spellchecker says I spelt blog wrong. Blog is such a hilarious word. Blog blog blog. You know blog, I kind of like you. I think I'll name you Henry. I think we'll get along great.